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Production systems

This page is mostly intended for DWWW-members, since they have access to the following systems.

Deploy pipeline

The website is deployed with a pipeline that goes through Jenkins, this is because we do not want an ssh key to the production server on github. Jenkins can be accessed on, those with access can log in using the same credentials as on When logged in select the view Dsek Web and the pipeline Deploy_web is the one deploying the website.

How it works

When making a release, a github action builds and zips the needed files and triggers a Jenkins build. Jenkins fetches the zip file, the pipeline that runs is defined in the Jenkinsfile. Jenkins then transfers the zip file to the production server, unzips it and restarts the website.

Production server

SSH to the server

ssh -J <stilid> <stilid>@web-beta

or, for a shorter command you can add something like

        User <stilid>
        IdentityFile /path/to/identityfile

Host *.blossom
        User <stilid>
        IdentityFile /path/to/identityfile

and use ssh web-beta.blossom. It is recommended to use an ssh-key by specifying an IdentityFile (created with for example ssh-keygen) and adding your public key to your profile in

Debugging production database

An easy way to debug something in the production database is to use an ssh-tunnel which allows you to view the database with any database tool you want. Make sure to never run pnpm seed or similar destructive commands when having a tunnel open. You can open the tunnel with the following command:

ssh -N stil-id@web-beta -J -L 5432:localhost:5432

or, if you have the config above:

ssh -N web-beta.blossom -L 5432:localhost:5432


You need to view logs as transferUser, first run sudo su transferUser, then you can run pm2 logs to view logs live. More documentation on pm2

Older logs are located in /home/transferUser/.pm2/logs