About our design
Mobile first
We should strive to design our app with a mobile first approach. This means that we design for the smallest screen size first and then scale up to larger screens. This is the opposite of how one might design a website, but it makes sense for us for two reasons:
Firstly, a large-part of our users will be accessing our content from a mobile device. The experience of using our app should be as good as possible for these users. Secondly, mobile designs tend to look a lot better on desktop than the other way around.
- Start by designing the simplest layout - often this a single column layout for narrow screens.
- Use larger shadows for larger elements.
- Use a larger border radius for larger elements.
- Use colors to create hierarchy, i.e for the most important action in a dialog window.
- Use shadows for floating elements.
- Start with excessive amounts of white space, and remove only if needed. More white space usually looks better.